We accept grant funding!
KPDI’s training programs are listed on the Alaska Training Provider Registry. This allows us to accept several different types of grant funding options available through the Department of Labor.
Where Do I Start?
Your local job center’s Career Support & Training Services department will help guide you through the funding application process.
Email CSTS today!
Anchorage & the Valley: dol.cstsancandmatsu@alaska.gov or 907-269-0088
Kenai Peninsula email: dol.csts.ref.pen@alaska.gov or 907-335-3010
Southeast email: dol.csts.se@alaska.gov
Private Funding Options
CIRI – Foundation Handbook
Cook Inlet Tribal Council – Apply here!
Doyon Foundation – Scholarship Resource Handbook (907) 459-2048
Fairbanks Native Association – 907-452-1648
Kenaitze Indian Tribe Career Training and Placement / Education – Apply Here!
Koniag Education Foundation – Apply Here!
Tanana Chiefs Conference – Higher Education and Adult Vocational Training Grants – Apply here! (907) 452-8251
Employer Funding Options
For employers who have employees that need CDL Training to continue or promote within their company they may be able to get funding through Department of Labor’s Incumbent Worker Program.
You can find out more about this program and the requirements here.
If the CDL funding program isn’t clear to you, we are happy to walk through the process with you
Links to programs that we are partnered with
“If you’re planning on getting your CDL please call Sarah or Alex and get the ball rolling it will change your life, Sarah and Alex are great people and the training you receive is by far the best in the state. Great instructor’s lots of drive time and hands on learning.”
Angus Smith
Ready to take your next step?
Get started with us, either register your details with us to get started or give us a call so we can talk through any of your questions.